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网址:gzkongyaji.oy56.cn  2022-10-21  作者:admin    阅读:

Advantages of silent air compressor
首先机器本身材料不含油性物质,工作时也不用添加任何润滑油,因此大大提高了所排出空气的质量,对用户所要配套设备的安全也有了保障,不像有油空压机,因排出气体中含大量油分子,会对用户所配套的设备带来不同程度的腐蚀。静音空压机的使用维护也较有油空压机更为方便简单。众所周知,部分有油空压机使用过程中需要定期的为机器更换或者加油,并且部分空压机会有喷油、漏油现象,对使用环境周围亦不同程度的造成污染,需用户花时间清理,这便相对的增加了用户工作量,而这又与人们使用机器设备为提高工作效率的意愿相违背。与此类空压机州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定防水 保定空压机 高碑店养老院相比,静音空压机则基本上不用用户花时间去维护,因为它不用加一滴油,全自动的压力感应开关会根据你使用气量的情况而自动启动或停止,可谓省心省电。自动化的排水装置也为用户省心不少,因此使用极为方便。   静音无油空压机超低噪音设计,运行时仅为53分贝,100%无油设计,并兼顾创新的紧凑设计,适合放置在有限的空间内。
First of all, the material of the machine itself does not contain oily substances, and no lubricating oil is added when it works, so the quality of the discharged air is greatly improved, and the safety of the supporting equipment required by the user is guaranteed. Unlike the oil air compressor, the exhaust gas contains a large number of oil molecules, which will bring different degrees of corrosion to the supporting equipment of the user. The use and maintenance of silent air compressor is more convenient and simple than oil air compressor. As we all know, some oil compressors need to be replaced or refueled regularly in the use process, and some air compressors have oil injection and oil leakage, which also pollutes the surrounding environment to different degrees, and users need to spend time to clean up, which relatively increases the workload of users, which is contrary to people's willingness to use machinery and equipment to improve work efficiency. Compared with this kind of air compressor, silent air compressor basically does not need users to spend time to maintain, because it does not need to add a drop of oil, and the full-automatic pressure sensing switch will automatically start or stop according to your gas consumption, which can be described as energy-saving. The automatic drainage device also saves users a lot of worry, so it is very convenient to use. Silent oil-free air compressor with ultra-low noise design, only 53 decibels in operation, 100% oil-free design, and innovative compact design, suitable for placing in limited space.

