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网址:gzkongyaji.oy56.cn  2022-11-02  作者:admin    阅读:

Basic structure of screw compressor:
螺杆式空压机的主要部件为螺杆机头、油气分离桶。螺杆机头通过吸气过滤器和进气控制阀吸气,同时油注入空气压缩室,对机头进行冷却粪池模具 路缘石模具 唐山通风管道 塑钢电缆挂钩 钢纤维 钢制拍门 植绒机 铜雕佛像密封以及对螺杆及轴承进行润滑,压缩室产生压缩空气。压缩后生成的油气混合气体排放到油气分离桶内,由于机械离心力和重力的作用,绝大多数的油从油气混合体中分离出来。空气经过由硅酸硼玻璃纤维做成的油气分离筒芯,几乎所有的油雾都被分离出来。从油气分离筒芯分离出来的油通过回油管回到螺杆机头内。在回油管上装有油过滤器,回油经过油过滤器过滤后,洁净的油才流回至螺杆机头内。当油被分离出来后,压缩空气经过最小压力控制阀离开油气筒进入后冷却器。后冷却器把压缩空气冷却后排到贮气罐供各用气单位使用。冷凝出来的水集中在贮气罐内,通过自动排水器或手动排出。
The main components of the screw air compressor are the screw head and the oil-gas separation barrel. The screw head sucks air through the suction filter and the air inlet control valve. At the same time, oil is injected into the air compressor chamber to cool and seal the head and lubricate the screw and bearing. The compressor chamber generates compressed air. The oil-gas mixture gas generated after compression is discharged into the oil-gas separation barrel. Due to the mechanical centrifugal force and gravity, most of the oil is separated from the oil-gas mixture. The air passes through the oil gas separation cylinder core made of borosilicate glass fiber, and almost all the oil mist is separated. The oil separated from the oil-gas separation cylinder core returns to the screw head through the oil return pipe. An oil filter is installed on the oil return pipe. After the oil return is filtered by the oil filter, the clean oil flows back to the screw head. When the oil is separated, the compressed air leaves the oil and gas cylinder through the minimum pressure control valve and enters the aftercooler. The aftercooler cools the compressed air and discharges it to the air storage tank for use by various gas users. The condensed water is concentrated in the air storage tank and discharged through the automatic drainer or manually.

